Social Planning

Community needs assessments, civic engagement, empowerment, anchoring change and promoting social justice.

Functioning within the context of a largely unquestioning acceptance of poverty as a normal feature of our society – so much so that we seem no longer disturbed to see extremes of poverty, is unjust. Poverty is far more than the sum of personal misfortunes or decisions gone wrong. Crucial factors embedded in the economic and social systems that shape our everyday lives, contribute greatly to the alarming growth of poverty globally and over generations. The socio-economic structure of our society tends to marginalize some groups and expose them more to poverty.


Social Planning has the specific role within the civic system to address community and social issues and particularly as they affect disadvantaged groups and individuals. Our approach to social planning is ensuring the social determinants of health are used as foundational elements to social planning efforts. We value resiliency of individuals and communities and their ability to respond appropriately and creatively to build upon what already exists, and learning from and building upon experiences from both within and outside the community. Our work is grounded in supporting collaborative and inclusive means that allow communities, organizations and various levels of government, to combine talent, finite resources and the voices of vulnerable populations, to creatively problem-solve and find effective, sustainable solutions for a just and healthy society.