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Message from the President & CEO

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I am constantly inspired and humbled by the people I have met who are trying to maintain their dignity through resilience and hope, amidst horrendous circumstances of abject poverty and marginalization. Now more than ever, we need to pay attention to our values to create fair and just societies globally, and anchor the urgency of our work in these values. When people ask me ‘why are you in such a hurry?’ My response is simply ‘people are dying, so we need to get our jobs done’. The plight of those living in poverty, those who cannot access care to meet their basic health and social needs let alone complex health challenges, and those who are victimized by lack of effective policy solutions, cannot be ignored. Through courage, engaged scholarship and an inclusive culture, we can promote strategic shifts in how we accelerate our pace for change. Knowledge and understandings take many forms, but what is most important is to create space for dialogues, so we may shift our perspectives for the better.


At HPSC Health Policy & Strategies Consultants Inc. we strive to provide the much needed “bridge” to others to cross over to better opportunities in life. Our work is based on three important principles: compassion, excellence and service to others. As leaders, we are expected to share generously of our time, knowledge and expertise that, inspire and energize others to make measurable strides toward changing global health policy and developing practical solutions to improve the well-being of others.


We need to set lofty goals for a global society that we all feel a part of, and that beseeches us to seek sustainable and relevant change to the most complex challenges people who are impoverished face every day. I believe that it is with passion, mutual sharing and learning that people who we serve truly benefit.


Power, purpose and privilege can be instrumental in creating lasting positive impacts on societies, in particular for those who are underprivileged in our society. I have come to recognize the huge price individuals and we all pay when one of us is absent. My commitment to you is that we will be fully engaged and present. We will show up to make a significant difference to reduce health and social disparities so we all may thrive with improved health and social well-being. We must remind ourselves that when one of us suffers, we all do. So, let us work with urgency to make our world a better place for all.

I hope you will give us the privilege to work with your organization and communities to create lasting legacies and transformations for a better world, through compassion and excellence.







Gulrose Jiwani, PhD, RN

President & CEO