
What are clients and others saying about HPSC Health Policy & Strategies Consultants Inc.?


“I have been impressed with Dr. Jiwani’s competence and ability to connect intellectual insights with practice application, and her skillfulness in mentoring others to become role models and leaders. She has earned several awards, including the Top Scholar Award for Excellence and Innovation Vigfusson Graduate Fellowship from the University of Washington. She was one of only two doctoral students invited to present at the faculty teach-in series of the Center for the Advancement of Health Disparities Research at the University of Washington. Dr. Jiwani is a Magnuson Scholar from the Warren G. Magnuson Institute for Biomedical Research and Health Professions Training, University of Washington, selected for exemplary scholarship and seen as capable of making significant contributions in research and impact on society. She brings experience in government policy-making and implementation of operational level policies in multi-site and multi-tiered complex health care environments. I regard Dr. Jiwani as a valuable colleague and an asset to those she works with. She is an individual who is a true example of bridging the research-education-policy-practice gaps to achieve meaningful change to reduce health and social disparities.”

Bobbie Berkowitz, PhD, RN, FAAN
Dean and Mary O’Neil Mundinger Professor
Columbia University School of Nursing

Sr. Vice President, Columbia University Medical Center


“Dr. Gulrose Jiwani has dedicated her career to advocacy and government policy development regarding the needs of underserved populations. She is an accomplished scholar and a champion of social justice who is relentless in her pursuit of excellence. Clients working with HPSC Health Policy & Strategies Consultants Inc. will find Dr. Jiwani’s multi-national experience, resiliency, passion, and leadership to be of incomparable value.”

Julie R. Katz, MAEd, RN
Director, Digestive Disease Institute at Virginia Mason Medical Center
Former Assistant Dean, University of Washington School of Nursing


“Alignment – that is what Dr. Jiwani represents to me. Never before have I met an individual whose life purpose and quest is so integrally aligned with their training, passion and personal values. In this, there is both true integrity and powerful focus. Gulrose Jiwani aligns all of her being in a laser like focus to bring better health care solutions to the globe’s most disadvantaged and marginalized populations.”

Scott Richardson P.Eng. M.A. (Leadership) MCC (Master Certified Coach)
Principal, J.S.Richardson & Associates Ltd.
Leadership Coaching, Consulting and Facilitation


“Driving positive and progressive change in health care, holistic change encompassing the broad spectrum from social justice to funding has proven challenging. In my experience, it is that challenge in which Dr. Gulrose Jiwani thrives. Her success stems from a combination of knowledge and experience, and an innate sense of vision with a values based approach. I experienced first hand the leadership and professionalism, and passion and commitment Dr. Jiwani brings. Her results oriented approach contributed to programs that exceeded expectations by bringing together diverse and often competing stakeholders through shared vision and values.”

John H. Mayr MBA, LL.M(cand)
President - John Mayr & Associates Management Consulting


“Dr. Gulrose Jiwani is one of the most outstanding and highly respected international scholar we have had in the doctoral program at the School of Nursing, University of Washington. She is brilliant and exemplifies the ideals and excellence we strive for in the UW graduate programs in learning, teaching, mentoring and research. She cares deeply for others and is noted for her work with marginalized, at-risk and vulnerable populations in society and across the globe. She works tirelessly to serve the community and volunteers for projects in the service of humanity. She exemplifies the role of the UW PhD scholar in that she travels the world and reaches out to people across the globe in the name of social justice and equality. Her ground breaking research involves government policy decision-making and public policy development at the highest levels. She is a scholar who values life-long learning and role modeling for others. Her proficiency in a number of languages enables her to reach out across cultures and international boundaries. She is a strategic thinker and a very capable individual who welcomes the opportunity to be in the service of others. She is an energetic, resilient and relentless leader who handles herself with grace and humility. She lives out the ideals of a UW graduate and is a world leader in the making. For years to come, UW will be proud to claim Dr. Jiwani as one of its PhD graduates.”

Karen G. Schepp, PhD, RN, PMHCNS-BC, FAAN
Interim Chair
Department Psychosocial and Community Health
School of Nursing, University of Washington



“Dr. Gulrose Jiwani is a passionate advocate for health and social equality. She is tenacious and persistent. She voices her opinions while also considering both the collective and individual best interests of those whom she works with and for. Dr. Jiwani is results focused and sets very high standards for accountability. She takes her leadership responsibilities and related accountabilities very seriously.”

Alison Meredith
Executive Coach
Retired Assistant Deputy Minister (BC Provincial Government)
Retired Executive in Residence (Royal Roads University)


“I know Dr. Gulrose Jiwani as a very caring, thoughtful and passionate woman who makes a true difference in people’s lives. She puts her heart in any project she gets involved in, and she provides an excellent quality in anything she does. Her outstanding leadership and strategic planning skills were evident in such volunteering projects as Ismaili community Adopt-A-Block 2010 Winter Olympic Torch Relay celebrations in the Township of Esquimalt and serving at the Victoria Rainbow Kitchen where I have volunteered under Dr. Jiwani’s leadership. She always treats people with respect and gratefulness. She is diverse and flexible, reliable and full of positive energy. She is a strong team player, and it is always a pleasure to work with her.”

Alisa Minderova
2nd year Mechanical Engineering Undergraduate, University of Victoria
Engineering intern, TransCanada Pipelines Ltd.